Sojne Data-r Jhal (Drumsticks Cooked with Mustard and Poppy Seed Paste)

‘Sojne Data-r Jhal’ or Drumsticks cooked with mustard and poppy seed paste…This is the season …and here is the first drumstick dish that I am sharing in my blog. Here is this recipe that is made in every Bengali Home I guess. Now this is a very tempting combo Potato and Drumsticks. This one has a very authentic taste and is best eaten with warm steamed rice/gorom bhaat only. The gravy is tempered with kalo jeera , which is one of the main ingredient to make this curry. I like to add ‘bori’ (sundried lentil dumpling in this curry but that is completely optional.


Ingredients to serve 4

  • Sojne Data/Drumsticks – 200 gms (Lightly scraped and cut into 2” long pieces)
  • Potatoes – 2 Medium (Peeled and cut into thick wedges)
  • Bori or Sundried Lentil Dumpling – 6-8 nos
  • Mustard Seed Paste – 2 Tbsp (refer to notes)
  • Posto/Poppy Seed Paste – 4 Tbsp
  • Kalo Jeera/Nigella Seeds – ¼ tsp
  • Turmeric Powder – ¼ tsp
  • Red Chili Powder – ½ tsp
  • Green Chilli – 2 (Slitted)
  • Salt – To taste
  • Mustard Oil – 3-4 tbsp


  1. Heat oil in a kadhai/wok and add the ‘bori’. Fry till golden brown. Take out from wok and keep aside.
  2. Now add drumstick pieces and lightly fry for a couple of minutes. Remove and keep aside.
  3. Now add in the potato wedges in the same kadhai and fry till they change colour. Remove and keep aside.
  4. Add in nigella seeds and slit green chilies. Sauté for a 10-15 seconds and add in the fried vegetables, the pastes, turmeric, chili powder and salt.
  5. Mix well and let it cook uncovered for 3-4 minutes.
  6. Add in half to one cup water, fried ‘bori’, cover and let it cook on medium low heat till the vegetables are done. Remove the cover and dry up the leftover water if any on high heat. Done!


~ I use Black Mustard seeds as it is not too pungent here since poppy seed paste is also added in.  You can use yellow mustard seeds or a mix of black and yellow (2:1) to reduce the pungency.

~ If you want a smoother looking paste, grind the black mustard and then strain it through the fine sieve.


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