Toker Dal or Aam Dal (Bengali Style Lentil Soup with Raw Mango)

‘Aam Dal’ or ‘Toker Dal’ is a very popular Bengali style lentil soup that is cooked mainly during summer as good quality ‘kancha aam’ or raw mango is available in that season. This light sweet and sour ‘dal’ is perfect for summer with some ‘Lonka-Tel Alubhate’ (Mashed Potato with fried red chillies) and steamed rice. For cooking this ‘dal’ small raw mangoes with full of aroma is preferred. For a quick lunch option this ‘Aam Dal’ with ‘Lonka-Tel Alubhate’ and some veggies like ‘Panch Torkari’ is ideal. This is a very easy and quick lentil soup from Bong Kitchen.



  • Kancha Aam or Raw Mango – 1 cup (Peeled and sliced)
  • Musurr Dal or Red Lentils – 100 gms 
  • Turmeric Powder – ¼ tsp 
  • Panch Foran or Bengal Five Spices – ½ tsp 
  • Bay Leaf – 1 
  • Dry Whole Red Chilli – 1 
  • Sugar – 2 tsps (or according to your taste)
  • Salt – To taste 
  • Mustard Oil – 2 tsps 


  1. Wash and soak the dal for 30 minutes in water. Peel the raw mango and cut them in thick slices.
  2. Cook the dal in a pressure cooker till one whistle adding salt and turmeric powder. Let it simmer for few minutes. Switch off the heat and let the pressure release of its own
  3. In another kadai or pan boil the mango pieces adding a little salt. When the mangoes are almost done remove from heat and keep aside.
  4. In another kadai heat oil and add panch foran, bay leaf and dry red chilli. Sauté till they splutter and exudes aroma.
  5. Now pour the cooked dal and boiled mango with all water.
  6. Add sugar. Adjust salt. Let it cook for few minutes in medium-low heat.
  7. Remove from heat and serve with steamed rice and some vegetable stir fry (chorchori).

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